
Co-operation Housing needs your support to assist people in our community to have a safe, secure and affordable place to live.

Make a Donation

To make a donation to Co-operation Housing, please use the secure engine of Our Community Give Now. GiveNow facilitates payments for not-for-profits through leading technology. They do so for no or low fees (and by low, they mean the lowest in Australia.)  When you click on the 'Give Now' button below, you'll be taken to the GiveNow Platform.

Make a Bequest

At Co-operation Housing, we believe that having a home is a human right. By leaving a legacy in your Will to Co-operation Housing through a bequest, you make a commitment that will support local communities and help ensure that everybody has a safe and affordable place to live.

Whether large or small, your bequest will be valued greatly, because it will leave a lasting, positive impact on the community. You can also choose to have your bequest recognised by Co-operation Housing or for it to be kept confidential.

If we can help you with bequests or leaving a legacy in your Will, please call 08 9336 5045 or email us.

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