
November 4th, 2019

Subiaco Leederville Housing Collective (SLHC) began in the early 1980s, when two existing housing co-operatives were amalgamated.


Location: West Leederville, North Perth, Yokine and Dianella, Western Australia
Date established: Early 1980s
Number of dwellings: 6
Land area: 2265m2 (Approximate Combined Total)
Number of residents: 13
Demographics: Inter-generational
Shared facilities: N/A

Guiding Principles

  1. Membership of a co-operative society should be voluntary and available without artificial restrictions or any social, political, racial or religious discrimination to all persons who can make use of its services and are willing to accept the responsibilities of membership.
  2. Co-operative societies are democratic organisations. Their affairs should be administered by persons elected or appointed in a manner agreed by the members and accountable to them. Members of primary societies should enjoy equal rights of voting (one member, one vote) and participation in decisions affecting their societies. In other than primary societies, the administration should be conducted on a democratic basis in a suitable form.
  3. Share capital should only receive a strictly limited rate of interest, if any.
  4. Surplus or savings, if any, arising out of the operations of a society belong to the members of that society and should be distributed in such a manner as would avoid one member gaining at the expense of others.
  5. All co-operative societies should make provision for the education of their members, officers, and employees and of the general public, in the principles and techniques of co-operation, both economic and democratic.
  6. All co-operative organisations, in order to best serve the interest of their members and their communities, should actively co-operate in every practical way with other co-operatives at local, national and international levels.


To develop responsible tenant self-management

As well as having rights all members of housing collectives have an obligation to ensure that their collective is managed responsibly.

To build a supportive community

Providing decent, secure and affordable housing based on the principles of friendship, self-help and skill sharing.

To provide housing which is managed co-operatively and not based on profit motives

Members cannot make profit on their shares.

To make provision for education

Provide a positive learning environment for members and their families, officers and employees, and the general public in the principles and techniques of co-operation – principally within the Subiaco/Leederville Housing Collective Inc. community to energise members and combat apathy and secondly within the broader communitybased education and awareness campaigns for the general public.

To co-operate among co-operatives

In order to best serve the interests of its members and their committees, Subiaco/Leederville Housing Collective will actively co-operate in every practical way with co-operatives at local, national and international levels to strengthen and mobilise the co-operative movement and work for housing justice for all people.


Subiaco Leederville Housing Collective (SLHC) began in the early 1980s, when two existing housing co-operatives were amalgamated.

What makes it special:

  • SLHC is unique in WA as it is the only common equity coop situated north of the river and its 6 dwellings are not located on the same property.
  • The members are diverse and creative, including artists, beekeepers, environmental scientists, musicians and film makers.
  • SLHC are family oriented, and enthusiastic about environmental and community sustainability.
  • SLHC meet monthly for coop business and hold bimonthly busy bees.

More information:




The Subiaco–Leederville Housing Collective is located across the inner-northern suburbs of Perth, and comprises six homes that are not all co-located.

It was formed in the early 1980s, and comprises six homes scattered across the suburbs of Dianella, North Perth, West Leederville and Yokine. The homes range from stand-alone houses to semi-detached and villa-style homes.

Members live in and maintain their own homes, in co-operation with each other.