Date(s) - 06/09/2021
6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
The Meeting Place
When groups and organisations are clear on purpose and together in decision-making, they surprise themselves at what they can do and how good it feels to do it.
As a social species, humans have a deep desire and need to belong. We do better together yet many of us live in households of one or two. How do we balance our social and individual needs? How do we create communities where people thrive and feel safe and secure?
Join us to learn about a whole-systems approach to collaborative decision-making, project management, and organizational governance. This approach creates an inclusive, effective, self-managing culture, where good ideas can surface and everyone’s contribution is valued.
Growing and Thriving through Residential Community Living
About Gina
Gina Price values the beauty, harmony and wisdom that flows from people working together and sharing responsibility. She is certified as a consultant in the Sociocratic Circle Method and has been training communities for over 12 years. She is a founding member of The Sociocracy Consulting Group and has worked with businesses, communities and schools in Australia, and North and South America. She is a Board member of two sociocratic organisations including Narara Ecovillage Co-operative, NSW.